Neznáte nějaké dobré karty s moznosti regulace vykonu pod Windows? Potrebuji koupit 24dB antenu a potrebuju snizit vykon karty......server mi jede na winXP a nechce se mi kvuli tomu prechazet na Linux......
otazka 1: proc si nesednete, a nenaprogramujete si na nejakou utilitku, ktera to pro Windows udela ? ;-)
otazka 2: proc si myslite, ze by to nejaky programator pro Windows chtel vubec psat ? asi by to melo byt soucasti driveru, ale vyrobce byl zjevne liny za to autorum driveru zaplatit...
Nedela se to nahodou volbou rychlosti v konfiguraku? Myslim ty polozky 11;5,5;2;1; Mbit/sec rychlost by se prece mela snizit prave snizenim vykonu, nebo se pletu?
k cemu se regulace rychlosti pouziva ? kdyz ti to treba stabilne nejede na 11Mbps (nehodls menit anteny nebo jinak vylepsovat trasu) a chtel bys mit stabilni linku bez prepinani tam a zpet, napriklad ...
Dale jsem se dotazal zda je to omezeni Win driveru, nebo hardwaru karty prislo toto:
It seems to be a limitiation of the Zcomax card. Other manufacturers actually
accept the power setting. For example, register CR31 in the HFA3863 controls
power. On all other cards except Zcomax the power setting works. We have
measured this with a variety of electronic instruments. On the Zcomax the
power setting that we read back from the register does not change, even after
we have written it with a new value. This limitiation is independent of the
operating system. I have not confirmed this limitation with Zcomax. It is
only an observation.
Tim Gardner
Tak nevim, zkusim napsat Zcomaxum, abysme to uz konecne rozcisli.
On the Xi-626 the power cannot be adjusted. The normal output for the
Xi-626 with the supplied antenna is @ 35mW, it is well inside the legal
limit allow by most EU contries.
<Technical Support Team At Zcomax>
Tak ted uz myslim neni sporu, u XI-626 se neda regulovat vystupni vykon, a to ANI POD LINUXEM. Leda by vyrobce nevedel, co vyrabi ;-)